Pictures of my first trip to hawaii
(Christmas Break)

Me with my old gun, WGP Autococker

Me Trying to run away from Nick's 30 BPS
Me using my mad skills to dive into a bunker
Here's Nick with his Angel Speed
Nick trying to hide from my uber 10 BPS
Nick Atempting to shoot me
Here's me with Nick's dog Charlie

Left to right
Domonique, Nick, Jason (me)

Here's The Crew at our New Years party
Hoko checking out Domonique
Wow cool
Jessy ah haha
OH MY GOD, Snow in Hawaii

Pictures of my second trip to hawaii
(Spring Break)
Hawaiian landscape
Beautiful ocean
A rocky beach
Charlie and Magnus
Mini Waterfall =D
Water-made tunnel
Really nice waterfall I found down white road
A lot of fog
Nich and I
My friends =D
Steam vents at the Volcano